Dr.Abdulelah Bassas
Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Department
What do I do before coming to the center?
Fasting for six hours from solid foods and liquids, and can drink water three hours before the operation. The patient must also take his regular medication, which he takes orally on the morning of the operation, even if the time allowed for eating exceeds, and to come to the center or hospital an hour before the operation At least, accompanied by an adult and responsible attendant, and this attendant will also accompany the patient to the house after the operation and will stay with him or another person during the first twenty-four hours after the operation and bring all the medicines used by the patient as well as all the medical examinations that he performed before the operation with him to the hospital or the center.
- The patient must also sleep early the night before the operation, take a shower and brush the teeth on the morning of the operation. Female patients must remove makeup, nail polish, jewelry and jewelry before entering the operation unit. Contact lenses, dentures, or loose fixtures in the teeth must also be removed.
- The patient must also inform the doctor of any symptom of Tariq pain before the operation, such as high temperature, chest pain, and others.
Anesthesia for One Day Surgery
One-day surgeries are diagnostic and therapeutic operations or procedures that take place in hospitals and specialized medical centers, where the patient comes to the hospital or center and performs the operation and then goes home on the same day without the need for hospitalization.
With the tremendous development in anesthesia science and patient monitoring techniques, safe and effective anesthesia has become available for patients with day surgery, as it has become available to use modern drugs and techniques that allow rapid recovery of patients with a very small percentage of complications such as nausea and pain.
All operations that do not cause significant blood loss or that do not require great care after surgery can be performed as one-day surgeries, and most patients can be dealt with, except for newborns and patients who suffer from respiratory problems during sleep can be dealt with and perform one-day surgeries for them Communication with the anesthesiologist is very important before surgery, and it is preferable to have a clinical increase in the doctor’s office. You can also communicate by phone or modern means of communication such as e-mail, WhatsApp or Skype with a direct interview on the morning of the operation.
What do I do after the operation?
- Returning home is after complete recovery and stability of the patient’s vital signs, and there may be slight and potential pain. The patient must obtain a phone number that he can call in case of emergency or to inquire about any symptom he may encounter while at home. Return is accompanied by an adult and responsible escort and the patient is not allowed Driving or managing dangerous devices on the first day of the operation.
- We also advise the patient not to make any important decisions that may affect his life or the life of his family or to sign any papers on the first day of the operation. We also advise the patient to rest and relax on the first day of the operation and take his treatment of painkillers and other medicines in the dosage and method exactly as prescribed by the doctor. No change except after consulting the attending physician or his representative.