Patient's Duties
- Adherence to state regulations and general legal ethics relating to conduct and public appearance.
- Commitment to follow the regulations and regulations of the atomic medical center, which include:
- Refrain from smoking inside the center.
- Respect the privacy of other patients and not wander between rooms and departments unnecessarily.
- Compliance with the regulations and regulations of the medical department or clinic in which health care is located.
- Obligation to attend the center on time and communicate with the appointments section if the appointments are changed or cancelled in advance.
- Bring proof of the patient’s identity when requested by the center’s staff.
- Provide full and correct personal information at the time of registration and provide full and correct information about the medical condition of the treated team.
- Following the treatment plan agreed by the medical team and in the event of rejection of any treatment method must be obliged to sign the form of disapproval of treatment and the patient is responsible for the resulting.
- The question of any information to clarify and understand any medical procedure.
- Care in dealing with other patients and staff at the center and respect their privacy and not disturb them.
- Do not bring any valuables when visiting the Centre and if necessary notify the nursing team to be kept in the safety deposit box until any medical procedure is completed.
- Maintain the property of the center and deal with it gently to avoid damage.
Patient's Rights
- Get the best health care regardless of age, sex, nationality, religion, or condition.
- All your medical and personal data should be treated confidentially and privately and no information disclosed unless officially requested by legal authorities.
- Find out the names of those who oversee treatment from medical staff, nursing and anyone involved in health care.
- Get the necessary information in the understandable language you have any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure that you have approved and you have the right to reject any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure if you do not provide you with sufficient information about it.
- Inform you of diagnosis/possible diagnosis, treatment plan, alternative options, desired outcome, side effects, possible complications and follow-up plan by the attending team
- No surgical intervention or examination unless your consent and signature of the consent form are taken.
- Take another medical opinion, whether from inside or outside the atomic medical center without fear or threat to the planned treatment plan.
- The right not to approve any treatment after learning of the consequences.
- Provide you with a medical report, analysis photos, a copy of the medical file or any documents related to the medical condition
- The right to express an opinion or to make any inquiries or complaints relating to the health care provided is done through the means:
meeting with the director of patient relations
center phone
+966 11 4610910
https://www.spclinic.net/ website